29 Oct

Paris: meeting report


The IERS “Intercultural  Education through Religious Studies” Project’s Partners attended the three-days Meeting in Paris, from 21 to 23 October, hosted by Prof. Isabelle Saint-Martin at the Institut européen en sciences des religions, part of the École pratique des hautes études.

The aim of the meeting was to assess the core actions of the Project, such as the Digital Modules productions, the Baseline Study creation and the Teachers’ Support Activities.  In particular the discussion concerning the Digital Modules production fostered an exchange of views between the associated schools’ teachers who also attended the Meeting.

The outcomes of the Meeting were an improved awareness of the next steps to be followed in order to provide further synergy between universities and schools and in order to deliver the final version of the Project products, such as Digital Modules and Baseline Study, by the end of the year 2014.

The Meeting was characterized by a smooth and friendly atmosphere that further enlightened the value of fruitful cooperation among European partners.

21 Oct

Paris meeting

Starting today, the Institut européen en sciences des religions of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes hosts a three‐day meeting (October 21-24, 2014) to work with the European project partners in presence in Paris for assessing  one year of IERS project activities and plan together the next steps.

During the meeting the international consortium will focus on the following main issues:

  • Conclusion of the baseline study  which  analyze of the state of the art of both National and European approaches regarding religious education and their relations with the studies of religions.
  • Assessment  and discussing of the Digital Modules’ contents & design, as well as the Digital Modules Piloting Plan, in particular with teachers from partner schools.

Participants from the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, the University of Salamanca, the University of Augsburg, Oxfam Italia Intercultura, and University of Southern Denmark, together with teachers of partner schools from each country, are attending the event.

02 Sep

Interview about the IERS project

Is now available for podcasting and downloading the episode of August the 9th of the Italian radio program “L’altra Europa” (The Other Europe), featuring an interview to Giovanni Lapis, from the Ca’Foscari University of Venice, about the IERS Project.

“L’altra Europa” is a radio program dedicated to the presentation of stories, people, initiatives and opportunities of nowadays European Union.

This episode, focused on culture and creativity-related European projects, give us the opportunity to introduce the key points and motivations behind the Intercultural Education through Religious Studies Project Podcast and download available here. (Interview starts at 15.30, in Italian)

06 Jan

7 Jan. Intercultural education through religious studies: IERS project kick‐off meeting

Starting today, the Dipartimento di studi sull’Asia e sull’Africa Mediterranea of the Università Ca’ Foscari hosts a three‐day meeting (January 7-9, 2014) to work with the European project partners in presence in Venice for launching the IERS project activities.

During the meeting the transnational teams and the working methods will be defined in order to approach the first main issues:

  • to provide an analysis of the state of the art of both National and European approaches regarding religious education and their relations with religious studies in European educational systems;
  • to select several topics covering crosscutting issues of different religions to be developed in digital modules for learning purposes.

Participants from the Institut Européen en Sciences des Religions, the University of Salamanca, the University of Augsburg, Oxfam Italia Intercultura, and University of Southern Denmark are attending the event.