In order to build a fruitful link between universities and schools, the IERS project’s actions aim to ensure a steady involvement of the associated partner schools’ teachers in the project endeavors.
An international team of teachers from associated schools, proceeding from history and social sciences, humanities, arts, philosophy, and obviously, RE, participate actively in the project through the implementation of a series of actions:
- A virtual community, created inside the Google + community (click to join), enables the different teachers to review the projects’ main outcomes (digital module and baseline study), to confront themselves with other European colleagues , to provide feedback on the quality and feasibility of the teaching products, and to develop, with the support of digital modules’ authors, new teaching methodology.
- A number of workshop, some alongside the project’s partners’ meetings, others dedicated to each single national teachers’ team, are meant to provide information & formation on the digital modules, and to ease the implementations of pilot activities
- Pilot activities are pivotal in the assessment of the Digital Modules in actual school environment. Teachers, with the support of the actions described above, carry on the teaching tools’ pilot in their own classes.
- The results, feedbacks and practical suggestions collected from the teachers through the activities described before will feed into a Teacher Support Handbook, which will also feature 1) the theoretical frame of the project according to the baseline study’s results, 2) a technical introduction to the use of Digital Modules.
- The video tutorials about IERS Digital Modules.